Ditched love life

Creating news ideas may be easy but removing something, someone from mind is really hard. What A great work to generate new ideas for new generation with creative mind on the other hand removing a person,thing or place which closed to your heart is very tough. i personally realized it several times happening with them. situations may be different but we a to adopt the reality of life. Our life keeps giving new experience according to time. But if you want to remove something or somebody from your mind then these points may be helpful.....
A. Be Calm .. outing the mind from the problem n giving relax to your body is important. Life needs rest with the quiet surroundings at lonely places sometimes.
B. If you are going forget a place it will be easy but if you wanna forget a man or woman then it will take several days
C. Try to remove his or her gifts or memorys as soon as possible because it will make you remember all the time
Can you imagine anvu illiterate personfg services without any payments. He doesn't need any training but works like a trained personal. Human learn by his environment, surrounded things and atmosphere. In the today's competitive world we are supposed to be trained in specific areas so that without any hesitation we can work confidently.
When people go to school. They don't think about any training. But hardly we find any trainer in schools there are lots of teachers but not trainers. We need to improve teaching skills too ,our teachers are not trainers they are just teaching to teach .they should teach to Learn or to enhance oneself. A school is education house which gives a complete educational atmosphere and knowledgeable people and encourages to improve knowledge.
We have millions of schools but Lakhs of schools are without any trained teachers how students will improve we can imagine. Our HRD minister Mr Kapil will answer your all question but naturally he will blame previous govt .hardly he will talk about any reform in education. is a good lawyer but not good minister. He can talk about IIT, IIM not about primary education which need reform.
Your life is yours and you are supposed to make principles for your life. A few people can understand.some of the people find life as a challenge and they keep struggling until they reach at the peak of success. Success never matter to them because they are hungry to do challenging task . Being a trainer i found many changes in my personal life because of the challenges.
Life never stops working it keeps running like a river in the rain whether you are troubl or in happiness. It will be you who will bring changes in your life . Several people comes in life and goes bit some stays in mind forever whether they are good or bad they teach something.