Faithful LovE: Faithful
wife and Husband
Recently I have been in
meeting for three days not only it can be told a meeting but a training session
too for women. These housewives were sharing their experience with me which I
am going to share with you by this post what they explained about their
relations with their husbands. Husbands and wives should be faithful to each
other if they cannot be they are not in good relation. Relations are taken for
long time with the help of faithfulness and truth. Before I share their
discussion let me tell what this writer tells by this poem. He writes in his
blog [logearn explain in his poem with] these following lines what means of
faithful wife
“The faithful wife in the Christ
Obeys her husband's word;
Claims her own authority
By calling her husband, lord.
She will love her husband dearly
As she submits unto his hand,
Teaches younger women so
In this her family stands.
The faithful wife perceives in God
Her husband is given rule;
As he submits unto the Lord
But a rebellious wife is a fool.”
It’s true that marriage is not only for a short time enjoyment or
romance but it’s for a prosperous family which is hoped by all couples in the
world. When it comes to wife or partners all husband thinks she should be
faithful and tru with husbands then why
not husband they should also be.
I started my lectures and showed a side related to faithfulness of wives
towards their husbands in this program thereafter we were to discuss on this
topic. Some of the discussions are following
love my Husband more than any words could ever describe. It would be out of the question to be
anything other than faithful. I do like to flirt and tease, that's just my
natural way, I just like to have fun and make people feel good.” Said one of
the lady whose husband is a doctor and she has been a housewife even she is PG
in Science.
“I know when it's ok to be
like that and when I need to have more of a refined approach. I'm somewhat of a
wind up merchant and I think my Husband likes that in me.” The another lady
added her husband is a soldier
“My husband is all I
need. I couldn’t ask for any better of a
man. I wouldn’t risk losing him for something like a one night stand. Never…
Never It drives me crazy when I hear of someone cheating... I believe that THEY
WILL GET CAUGHT. All it does is hurt
everyone. I've seen this a million
times.” Sarita explained well with these woman
“We share a lot of banter and innuendo with
each other and he can be the same with other ladies. We trust each other so
neither feels threatened by what is just light hearted fun. He knows I thrive
on talking about things that are on the brink of acceptability and especially
on here, but if he asked me to rein it in, I would do so. He knows I will never
stray”. Another young newly married woman said it
“I value the love we have
and our marriage far too much to ever consider that When we talk about Indian
culture we find great and faithful woman who are not only respected in our
country hut in the world also. But when it comes to man too then you may find
their positive side. Being a man dominant country man is hoped all right for all
the bad acts. We know well about man in India. They may do bad acts but they
are forgiven every time in society. Soon
enough, it becomes easy for a man to look about and see attractive women all
around. It’s at this point that a man is TEMPTED with the notion of finding
something “easier” – something that will “give him what he wants” but doesn’t
require any management, maintenance, or support effort. But we can’t blame all
the husbands some are very great and true towards their wives their true love has
made many successful stories and families which are the example for the world
What most of the husband
think about their wives are the following?
1. She is my best friend. I would
rather hang out with her than anyone else I know. Our Saturday’s of running
errands or taking a few moments to talk over coffee at Starbucks, is some of
the moments I cherish the most.
2. She shows me I’m worthy to be loved. I don’t feel like I’m second choice in her life.
3. She takes me out of my comfort zone. Mary Beth challenges me and she doesn’t let me take the
easy, or safe way out of a situation. She reminds me that to keep growing as a
person, I must continue to face my fears and insecurities.
4. She is a terrific mother and parent. My wife is very connected with each of our four children.
They all feel loved by her and each one knows they can go to her for help or
guidance without fear or shame getting in the way.
5. She gives me all the time I need to work on this blog. Never a pouty reaction – just unconditional support.
6. She takes care of those who are hurting the most. Mary Beth recently earned her MSW degree at The University
of Kansas. She is devoting the next phase of her professional career to helping
those who are in emotional pain and have suffered significant trauma. She wants
the rest of her patients’ lives to turn out a differently than how they
7. She is the “handy-man” around the house. If it wasn’t for the special skills of my wife, I would
spend a fortune paying plumbers and electricians to fix the things I don’t have
a clue to repair; but Mary Beth does.
8. She believes in me. No matter
the circumstances or challenges, her belief in me never wavers. I can tell by
looking into her eyes she truly believes I can do whatever I set-out to do.
9. She has a forgiving heart. My wife
doesn’t carry a grudge or harbor resentment for long periods of time. Once she
has accepted my apology for something I have done, and has chosen to forgive me
– she means it and she lives it.
I still get excited when I get
to see her for the first time of the day. During
the week, I wake up very early and head to work before Mary Beth starts her
day. Sometimes it can be as late as 9:00 p.m. before we see each for the first
time. My stomach still tingles with excitement when I know I’m only a few
minutes from seeing her.
She tells me she loves several
times throughout the day. Every phone call during the
day ends with “I love you,” and the last thing I hear at night as I prepare to
fall to sleep is my wife loves me.
I respect her. Considering all she done for me, our family and the
tremendous effort she places in making this world a better place for everybody
else, I can’t imagine doing anything that would disrespect that commitment. I
can’t imagine doing anything that would disrespect her.
She watches baseball games with
me. And she enjoys it; and she knows the players’ names; and
she gets excited when the Kansas City Royals win!
I miss her when we are apart
for a few days. Time away from each other
is healthy and beneficial; the homecoming is ever sweeter.
She doesn’t mind listening to
sports-talk radio in the car. I never
get the raised eyebrow look that says, “You expect me to listen to that?”
She still likes to hold hands
when we take our after-dinner walks. Our
evening walks have always been a great source of connection for us. We use this
time to discuss our days and to help each other process or solve problems.
Holding hands while we walk makes this time that much more special.
Her “I want to be with you”
look still makes me weak in the knees.
She loves to cuddle. At the end of the day, when the day’s responsibilities are
behind us, we grab a few moments to just be with each other as
we chat and cuddle while watching something mindless on television. A few
golden minutes to be sure.
She never quits on herself, or
on us. I’m often taken back by her strong will (and
sometimes just plain stubbornness) to never give up. No matter the obstacles,
or the pain, or the circumstances, she has the ability to reach down and find
something more to help keep her moving forward.
I can’t imagine life without
her. A life worth living is a life worth sharing. Sharing my
life with Mary Beth provides so many blessings. My heart will always remain
faithful to hers because it is constantly being filled with her love and grace.
I have faith it will always be this way – no matter what.