Saturday, July 26, 2014

Freedom through Forgiveness

 Forgiveness is such a misunderstood term and subject. For many who have been traumatized, hurt, injured emotionally, mentally or physically the idea of forgiveness is difficult to grasp especially in the initial moments of the wounding. The most important idea that I wish to convey here is that forgiveness has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other person or their actions or behaviors. Forgiveness doesn't condone violence, bad behavior or abuse. Nor does it absolve the perpetrator from responsibility for his or her actions. Forgiveness is about releasing the story, the pain, the drama and the trauma from your world. Forgiveness is all about you!

When we are wounded, the wounding can take place on a multitude of levels. Sometimes the wound is obvious - a black eye, a bloody nose, a fat lip, a broken leg, often times though the wounds are not so visible, emotional blackmail, a broken heart, a constant stream of negative actions or belittling words, that permeate the emotional and mental bodies. In all cases the wounds show up in the energetic field.

The luminous energy field stores all wounds from this life and from all of our previous lives. In this field the energy of the experience lives and continues to draw to us additional experiences that "irritate" or "activate" the wound until it has finally been brought to the surface of the soul and released. This is why we often find ourselves living the same dynamics over and over again with different faces and different "sets" of circumstances by the same story. The only way out of this triangle of trauma is through - Through the power of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is about releasing at every level all of the stored energy around the experience of the wounding. So what does that mean? Well when we release or let go of the wound at the spiritual or essential level there is a cascading or domino effect in all aspects of our lives. We begin to think more clearly, we begin to feel freer, we experience health and wholeness in the mind, the body and the spirit.

How do I get this release you might ask? There are many modalities of energy healing that will help you to "get at" these issues at the deepest levels. Some, like body work, work to clear things at the cellular level include massage, cranio sacral therapy, myo facial release, Unlimited Body, Thai Yoga Massage and others that you can investigate to see what works for you. Other methods include hands on energy work like reiki, Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, IET, Quantum Touch, Laying on of Hands, Sound Healing and more. Spiritual psychology, bi-lateral stimulation, bio-feedback, EMDR psycho drama, past life regression, hypnotherapy and other modalities can assist in clearing the mind as well as the neurobiological system.

The most effective method I have found for myself has been a combination of modalities with the deepest and most profound being Shamanic Medicine Work. Shamanic work in the Peruvian tradition includes Illumination which is a clearing of the chakras and filling them with light, Extraction which is the removal of crystallized energies and entities, and Soul Retrieval work where contracts that have been made at the soul level can be re-written and lost soul parts and quantum packets of energy are brought back to the Light Body for integration and a return to the path of destiny. One of the many benefits of Light Body work or Shamanic Medicine work is the ability to dispense entirely with engaging in the "Story" of the wound, whether from a past or a present life or both. The work is so profound because it works at the essential or soul matrix level.

The most beautiful of the gifts that we receive when we engage in this deep inner work of bringing to the surface that which we need to release is the incredible sense of freedom and lightness that comes from the process of forgiveness. We can journey through our remaining days unshackled to old wounds and past hurts, and we can use our prodigious life force energy instead to create beauty, peace, harmony and joy for ourselves, our families, our communities and the world. Find the path to forgiveness today - you'll be glad that you did.

Monday, July 21, 2014

7 signs you're not as self-aware as you think

Self-awareness is a really big deal for everyone, especially executives and business leaders. Failure to face reality can destroy your career and your company.

Being in the advice giving game isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's not like you get to sit on a mountaintop and just rain down pearls of wisdom on your clients. When it comes to executives and business leaders, it's almost never that black and white.
Granted, there are times when people are genuinely open to the voice of experience and perhaps a little objectivity. Then there's the opposite extreme: deep denial. Where they don't want to hear the truth no matter what you say or how you say it.
And in between those black and white peaks is a vast plane of gray, where people sort of know, deep down, what they need to do but something's stopping them from doing it. That something is almost always beneath the surface, meaning it isn't easy to get to and folks will often confound, thwart, or downright resist the effort.
The truth is there are lots of paths people take to avoid confronting whatever it is they don't want to confront. And those paths can lead to career demise or business destruction. No kidding. 
Here are seven signs you may be heading down the latter path.
You're a bully. If you didn't have emotions, you wouldn't be human. Feelings are important guidance mechanisms. Anger and aggression are no different. They're signs that you feel threatened or scared. You go on the offensive and bully to protect something deep within you, something you don't want people to see, often feelings of weakness and vulnerability. Ironic, isn't it?
You're defensive. When chief executives resist a consultant or executive coach who wants to meet with their staff or outside directors one-on-one, when genuine and objective feedback makes them agitated or even angry, that's a sure sign. I'm not even sure why they call it "defensive, since defensive people almost always deflect by going on the offensive.
You're controlling. When you behave in a controlling way--when you micromanage, pick on the little things--it usually means you're not dealing with a big thing that's really bugging you. 
You're passive aggressive. When you say, "Sure, no problem," then turn around and do the exact opposite, it means you don't want to confront others or be confronted by them. 
Your behavior changes. When your behavior changes to the point where it's noticeable to others who know or work with you, that's definitely a sign that you're really bothered by something and not aware of how it's affecting your mood. If someone brings it to your attention and you're defensive, that's an even bigger sign.
You're grandiose. When we make over-the-top overtures to how confident we are in our ideas, our plans, our business, when our strategies defy objective reasoning or our goals don't pass the smell test, that's a sign we're genuinely in over our heads and are overcompensating to appear like we've got everything under control.

You make excuses. Excuses, any kind of excuses, are ways of avoiding or deflecting negative attention. Pointing fingers and blaming others are common avoidance techniques that communicate our resistance to being held accountable. That's why playing the blame game is such a transparent sign of dysfunctional leadership or management. And yet, we see it all-too-often, don't we?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Your resume is your profile

A Résumé or resume shows a persons' educational background, experiences and skills. The word résumé is a French word which means a summary. The main purpose of a resume is to get new job opportunities. The resume shows a summary of work experience and qualification of the applicant. A resume is the first document that is viewed by an employer against a vacant job. The resume is most of the time accompanied by a cover letter and an application for an employment. The employer reviews these documents and shortlists a number of qualified resumes and call the job applicant for an interview. In some regions a CV (curriculum vitae) is used rather than a resume. A resume is often a shorter document as compared to a CV.
Most of the times a résumé consists of one or two pages of A-4 or letter-sized paper. It shows the most relevant work experience, qualifications and skills for the desired job. A resume is usually composed of keywords and short sentences in a flattering manner. The resume is like a marketing tool for a job applicant against a desired job. It's usually formed for a specific job or industry. Job seekers are now in a position to deliver their résumé directly to the employers through emails and online job portals.
The résumé or CV can be as simple as possible and as complex and as lengthy as required, all it depends on the profession and work experience of the job applicant. The medical professionals, artists, professors and people from other specialized fields may form an extensive résumé. But as the employer don't a have a time to review every section of a résumé or don't find it attractive to review lengthy CVs, the job applicant should try to make their CVs in a brief form.
Styles and formats
As there is no set format for a résumé, the job applicant may follow any format that is circulating in the market.
Reverse chorological
The author of the résumé use their work experience in a reverse manner i.e. start with the most recent or current job and end with the first job experience. Job positions are accompanied with starting and ending job dates.
The qualification section also follow the same pattern with the most recent qualification at the beginning and the initial degree or certification in the last section of qualifications.

This pattern is however not for professional résumé writer.
Functional résumé writer
The résumé shows specific skills and work experience for a specific job position. This format of resume shows the employer what job specific professional skills and capabilities the job applicant possess. This format of resume is good for those planning to switch the career field. This format is easy to review and helps the employer to know which job applicant is most suitable for the required job position.
Online résumé
Internet has brought a new change for job seekers and job recruiters. Job seekers search for new jobs and apply against them and the employers choose the job applications of only those, which they find attractive. Paper form of the résumé or CV is not required when the job applicant has sent an online résumé.
Some job recruiters accepts résumé of specific format like MS Word while some may accept résumé in pdf, html or other formats.
There are many online job portals that offers job applicants to choose a format for résumé and then build their resume using online résumé builder. This service of online résumé builder has provided convenience for job seekers. There are different styles and formats of résumés available for job seekers from different career fields.
There are also others styles and formats of résumés available for online job seekers like video, infographic and vine resumes.
Résumé evaluation

There are agencies that offer job applicants to build a CV in an attractive manner. They also suggest changes necessary to build a résumé on employers' requirements. These agencies may charge a small amount of fees.

Work and stress

Work and stress

Mostly job leads to the stress that we go through in your life. Meeting deadlines, managing your juniors, keeping your boss happy is surely a lot of things. All these leads to late night works and takeout food that leads to tight muscles, no sleep and surely more stress. You abuse your boss in your mind for making you work so hard but they have also come across this stage. They can understand your stress but they also want to see how you handle it. You will have to maintain your calmness and show how you can handle it all.
Here are some ways by which you can seem calm in stressed situations

• Keep a positive attitude- Instead of thinking how much i have to do and how am i going to complete it, think how much is left and how to do it. If you have a positive attitude it will show in your face and you will much calmer. Moreover try to be patient and control your temper. Even if you are stressed and something is bothering you, keep a smile on your face and keep smiling. These things will affect your mind more making your look stressful.
Keep your desk clean- A work desk with lots of papers and files in it will show how much work you have left. A clean desk will on the other hand show how organized you are and how you can handle pressure to your superiors. Whatever work papers you have to keep, store them in the drawer. All the pens should be all capped and kept in an organized way.
Take breaks- Even if you have a lot of work left and your deadline is very near, try to take a break. This will not only keep you in sane condition but also give your bosses a feeling you have everything in your control. Moreover the short breaks will freshen up your mind and believe me a fresh mind is lot more productive than a jammed one.

• Do not work late- Working late in the office after your bosses has gone to their homes shows your stress clearly. If you need to work extra you can do it in your home. Do not think that your 'work hard' attitude will be praised. Most of the times it will make your superiors wonder what you were doing all day.

All these methods will certainly not draw attention of your bosses at once as they have a lot of work other than observing you, but be assured you will get noticed gradually.