Thursday, May 14, 2015

Inspirational and Inspiring Gifts

Petey Paker writes his experience to motivate us this " a million dollar lesson"
A cab driver taught me a million dollar lesson in customer satisfaction and expectation. Motivational speakers charge thousands of dollars to impart his kind of training to corporate executives and staff. It cost me a $12 taxi ride.

I had flown into Dallas for the sole purpose of calling on a client. Time was of the essence and my plan included a quick turnaround trip from and back to the airport. A spotless cab pulled up.

The driver rushed to open the passenger door for me and made sure I was comfortably seated before he closed the door. As he got in the driver’s seat, he mentioned that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me for my use. He then showed me several tapes and asked me what type of music I would enjoy.

Well! I looked around for a “Candid Camera!” Wouldn’t you? I could not believe the service I was receiving! I took the opportunity to say, “Obviously you take great pride in your work. You must have a story to tell.”
“You bet,” he replied, “I used to be in Corporate America. But I got tired of thinking my best would never be good enough. I decided to find my niche in life where I could feel proud of being the best I could be.
I knew I would never be a rocket scientist, but I love driving cars, being of service and feeling like I have done a full day’s work and done it well. I evaluate my personal assets and… wham! I became a cab driver.
One thing I know for sure, to be good in my business I could simply just meet the expectations of my passengers. But, to be GREAT in my business, I have to EXCEED the customer’s expectations! I like both the sound and the return of being ‘great’ better than just getting by on ‘average’”.

Did I tip him big time? You bet! Corporate America’s loss is the traveling folk’s friend!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Google rank

How does Google find your site and list it? Purely registering your domain on the Internet isn't enough.
Before it can include a site in its index, a search engine has to know that the site exists. One of the first steps in picking up traffic to your website is to get it indexed by major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. However, it does not denote that your link will appear on the first page of search results.
Although by submitting your site will get it listed in some search engines, it will not necessary get it into Google. As Google is the most popular Internet search engine with the largest index, if there are no links from other pages that point to your site, the site will not be indexed. Therefore, before submitting your site to Google, you need to get linked from other sites that are already in Google's index.
1. Make sure that your website is ready (i.e. no broken links, has enough unique contents, etc). Optimize your website for keywords that are highly related with your website content.
2. Create a sitemap file for your website. It contains the URLs for all of your pages in your website. Sitemaps are rarely clicked by most visitors, but they are vital as it helps search engine robots find all the pages on your website. You can use free online or offline tools available to generate your sitemap file.

3. As soon as your site is available on the Internet, you can submit your site to web directories such as and
4. Create an article that is relevant to your site and submit it to pertinent article directories such as Be sure to include a link to your site in the article. The 'spiders' will crawl these sites at least once every week. It will find your links and eventually lead them to your website. If other people find your article relevant and use in their own website, you may also get new links and visitors from other sites, which will eventually boost your website ranking.
5. Join a popular, highly ranked forum site and create a profile with your site URL along with a short description in the signature. Each post will count as a link to the search engines!
You can use any of the above techniques to get indexed by Google and other major search engines. However, do keep in mind it will take a few weeks for your site to appear in the search engines.

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