“I am so busy dear son, “I have an urgent meeting I can’t solve your math’s question”. A father said to his loving son who is in sixth standard in high school.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
I am Very Free but you are so Busy. How busy we are?
“I am so busy dear son, “I have an urgent meeting I can’t solve your math’s question”. A father said to his loving son who is in sixth standard in high school.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
What are Soft Skills and Why are they so Important?

Friday, September 28, 2012
teaching skills

- Understand the learner’s needs Set appropriate learning objectives
- Prepare well so that the context and content is clear and focused
- Match the educational methods with those objectives
- Stimulate the learner and challenge the learner
- Interest the learner and involve the learner
- Encourage the learner – with positive feedback
- Use a style of delivery that suits the learner’s needs
- Evaluate the teaching and the learning
- Refine future teaching in light of evaluation
- Be a life-long learner.

Saturday, June 23, 2012
Pampered children don't love their parents
" You count your money i will count my money " one of the boys said to a girl when they came out from a bank. I couldn't stop my tears these were the children of some farmers who were studying in a college. This was the money which was send by their parents.
When we see the reality of agriculture in India then either you will curse your government or yourself. India is known for agriculture but farmers are getting suicide in west rajasthan n maha,karnatak ,bihar n orrisha too
Being a son of farmer i feel proud of myself to closed to nature.
Living with parents i got their blessing, love n care but when i meet some if the people in some cities i find what dirt things r going on are we going on the right track or somewhere.
A girl recently told i don't think parents are god ....it was their duty to give me birth so will i . I was shocked listening these words from a modern girl whose boyfriend was spoilbrat.
In life we will find these types of example in a lot but lets see what happens with these types of people .they may kill their parents for their desires n passion.
Santosh Chaudhary
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Career in different areas, but choose a good college first
When we talk about education then we remember our school board, chalks, wooden chairs and some teachers this is the actual condition of Indian education. We have a crowd in our country and we have few schools and colleges. Our problems are lot solutions are less so naturally the qualified people will be found less. Students will buy books and notebooks they will mug up the lessons and put it in the examination and finally who are the best , one who can cram the lessons and chapters fast. Our ministers may be talking about iit, iiit and niit but no one wants to discuss about primary education which is the base of Indian education.
The worst teacher and their methods can be found in these schools. What is the need and who needs quality education..i think no one . The person who is searching for quality education he has no one to pay the giant but attractive universitys in education and the cut off will stop him going there therefore he has to sacrifice.
This is the Month of June ,almost all results are declared. Some students are crying and some are rejoicing on the other hand some lovely children left this dirty and competitive world .they were not satisfied from there results so they planned to get suicide. When i will check the cut off i m sure some more will start crying. Some children have already planned to leave country just because of education they can leave family. Family is the mist important world of a man which i will write about in next post
So the question is quality education. The topper of ISC indian school certificate board exams RohanSampath spoke in an interview about family " my parents attitude was helpful. They never put pressure on me for studying. My brothers is very nice he gave me company in my mental practice"
When it comes to surroundings in education we find less things around us to develop mind which more important then the educational books. I personally feel its important to be in connection of good people for all fields knowledge and experience. I daily read four newspapers and in a week six magazines, i love watching all top mist channels Masala, i never miss the chance of reading about different topics. This is not enough for me interacting with new people is passion. I love being praised and stay calm in emotional decisions with my students. The lesson teacher should learn is leading, learning, ready, watching, researching n i m sure they can become a role model
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
the body language
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Manage Yourself properly
- Motivate yourself
- Think positive
- Receive praise and criticism
- Calming angry and aggressive people down
- Helping quite,Shy people to communicate
- Standing up yourself
- Appearing helpful, cheerful and considerate
- Getting the information you require
- Getting answer to your question
- Dealing with your emotions appropriately
- Handling change
- Being able to see others point of view
- Reducing negative feelings about you and others
- Handling stress
- Making yourself understood
- Avoiding embarrassment
- Communicating effectively
- Behaving appropriately
- Being reasonable
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Wife And Husband. the faithful love

Obeys her husband's word;
Claims her own authority
By calling her husband, lord.
She will love her husband dearly
As she submits unto his hand,
Teaches younger women so
In this her family stands.
The faithful wife perceives in God
Her husband is given rule;
As he submits unto the Lord
But a rebellious wife is a fool.”

“I love my Husband more than any words could ever describe. It would be out of the question to be anything other than faithful. I do like to flirt and tease, that's just my natural way, I just like to have fun and make people feel good.” Said one of the lady whose husband is a doctor and she has been a housewife even she is PG in Science.

Friday, June 8, 2012
Soicial networking
The advantages of social networking are more and more
Low cost: it's cheaper to use online social networking for both personal and business use because most of it is usually free.
Builds credibility: You definitely can gain the customers' confidence if you can connect to them on both a personal and professional level.
Connections: You are friends with people who have other friends, and so on. There is potential in such a common situation.
Face to face networking: A little less personal than face to face networking.
A little more time taking: Keeping up with social networking can be a full time job (or for any of my clients my job).
Scams and harassment: There is a potential for failure of security in both personal and business context.