Saturday, November 20, 2010

8 Tips on How to Impress a Girl

How to Impress a GirlSo it finally happened. You saw her in a party…standing 

quietly in a corner as if waiting just for you. And before you 
knew cupid had played its favorite pastime at your expense. 
Really…feels like being on top of the world… Doesn’t it? A 
feeling that is better left unexplained, which can be 
experienced just by a person who is in love.
So, now that the easier part is over, let us come to the 
tricky issue. You’ve fallen in love but the girl of your dreams 
probably doesn’t even know about it.
How to impress a girl and make her 
fall in love with you is the next 
question that crops up. It seems a 
tough task at first, especially if you 
are a little shy and introvert, but it 
isn’t as tough as rocket science 
1. The mantra to success here is to 
be your self. Remember, girls like guys who do not try to be 
like someone else or pretend to be over smart just to 
impress others. Such things can easily put off girls and could 
end your quest even before beginning. After all, first 
impression is often the last impression.

2. The key here is not even trying 
to think about impressing the 
girlwhen you are actually trying to 
do so. The reason for this being that 
guys often lose their originality and 
go out of the way when trying to 
impress girls and end up being 
labeled as mere show-offs. The best way, thus, to go about 
the job is to be your own self and let things happen on their own.
3. Another big mistake that guys often make is to think 
that girls are impressed by money. However, the truth is 
that if a girl is with someone because the guy has money 
then she is only interested in the money and not the guy. 
More than money and material things, what girls look for in 
a guy is a caring attitude, the way he talks and presents himself as well as a good sense of humour. Having these qualities can easily overshadow the lack of money.
4. Girls come across numerous men who try to impress them 
with all that they’ve got. But the sad part is that most end 
up losing their originality and are put in the same category 

and labeled as losers. There is a huge possibility that you 
too may end up in the same category unless you are 
different than the others.
5. Try to kick start a conversation, which in turn may and 
often does lead to the start of a relationship. But to be able 
to talk something that makes sense, you would have to be 
intelligent and know about various interesting things. The 
mantra to become knowledgeable is to read a lot and try to keep up-to-date with the events around you.
6. Another thing that most guys are usually careless about is 
personal hygiene. Try to dress smartly and comb your hair 
properly as an untidy looking person can be a put-off for 
anybody. Try to be a little humorous but refrain from being 
too outspoken as it may offend the other person.
7. Respect the girl and give her some space so that she 
does not feel like wanting to get out of the place quickly. A 
good way to break the ice is to start by asking her the time 
and praise her watch.
8. If you are going to a restaurant, remember that the boy is expected to pay the bill.
Follow the above tips and you will surely be able to impress the girl of your dreams!

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