Friday, September 17, 2010

Poverty in India,,,,,.....................................

Poverty in India

Poverty in India family washingPoverty in India is reducing but it is still a major issue and is such a major issue that sadly it puts many people off travelling to this amazing country. Poverty in India is evident from the moment when the plane touches the tarmac and disgorges its passengers. Walk into the terminal building, grubby, tired, needing the loo – ladies beware!
The loo attendant holds out a tray showing the pound coins left by passengers from the previous plane, so, heh – we all follow suit and add more pound coins to her pile. Each pound coin is worth so much and even a skilled craftsman finds it hard to earn that for a long day’s labour…. Yes, I put my pound in and I am happy for her too.
Out of the airport terminal you will be besieged by enthusiastic beturbaned men desperate to carry your luggage to wherever you want to go, desperate to sell you their wares, desperate to show you the way, desperate to clean your shoes, desperate …. people missing limbs, women embracing babies signing that they are hungry, starving, dogs are everywhere scavenging for the last crumb but enduring kicks and curses and sometimes beatings to swallow anything palatable. Welcome to the phenomenon known as.. India!
You may be continuing your journey via train where the adventure continues. The stations are so full of people, some are cooking, sleeping, begging, laughing, crying, living out whatever life has thrown at them – look at the train tracks, the rats the size of cats who have a totally awesome life thriving on deitrus, rubbish and shit … look to the right, weary donkeys following the lines laden with boxes for McDonalds carefully making their way over the tracks.

The problems of poverty in India

Since India’s independence, the subject of poverty in India has remained a major concern. According to the common definition of poverty, when a person can no longer meet the required levels to maintain specified standard of living, they are considered poor. This means that in India alone there are almost 220.1 million people living below the poverty line. This adds up to almost 25% of India’s population which is a truly staggering amount.
The division of resources, as well as wealth, is very uneven in India – this disparity creates different poverty ratios for different states. For instance, states such as Delhi and Punjab have very low poverty ratios. On the other hand, nearly half of the populations in Bihar and Orissa live below the poverty line and the figures get worse for Calcutta and Maharashtra.
Child poverty in India

The World Bank estimates that a third of the global poor now reside in India and this country has a higher rate of malnutrition among children under the age of three (46% in year 2007) than any other country in the world. The poverty and situations that people are forced to live in coupled with the burning desire to survive have resulted in people doing some unimaginable things to stay alive.
Children are taken out of school at a very young age (and that’s if they ever went to school) and forced to work to support their families. You will see the tiniest of children picking through huge rubbish piles extracting plastic bottles, dragging out rags, flies buzzing, horrendous working conditions for any mortal. One scene that made me physically sick when I was in India was a group of 40 young boys, black from head to toe, picking through coal on a line of freight trains, I don’t know what for …but I’m sure they couldn’t have been getting more than 30 rupees (about 40 pence) a day. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are so many children forced into labour in India who will live and die in similar scenarios. Girls barely in their teens are forced into prostitution, some are sewing from day break to night fall, others beg having had eyes blinded or limbs removed to add to their pathos .. and it is not just the children .. their parents, and their parents, are also begging, anything for the odd coin. The poverty India can be shocking to say the least and it’s a harsh reminder how unfair life is.
Child Poverty in India

Rural poverty in India

A number of factors are responsible for poverty in the rural areas of India. Rural populations primarily depend on agriculture as their livelihoods, which in turn, is highly dependant on rain patterns and monsoons. Inadequate rain and improper irrigation facilities can obviously cause low, or in some cases, zero production of crops followed by the obvious but sometimes catastrophic repercussions that often follows.
An Indian family unit can be often very large, which can exacerbate the effects of poverty. Also, the caste system which is still found a lot in India (although it is getting less) is a major reason for rural poverty for it keeps people locked in the endless cycle with less facilities and opportunities for the lower castes. The government has planned and implemented poverty eradication programs, but the benefits of all these programs have yet to reach the core of the country.

Urban poverty in India

The phenomenal increase in the city populations is one of the main reasons for poverty in the urban areas of India. The massive and relatively recent increase is a result of major migration of rural families to cities. This migration is mainly caused by poor employment opportunities in villages and is exacerbated by the fact that there are few job opportunities in the cities as well.
Poverty in India slums

The Slums

The poverty in India has its roots entrenched in the culture and the problems spread just as deep. The mass over crowding and extreme deprivation have resulted in huge man made slums, the largest of which is in Mumbai. Miles and miles of rubbish, mangled iron, human excrement and open sewers form what millions of people call home. The water is rank, there is no waste disposal, no jobs, no healthcare and little support. There is little opportunity for education so there is no end to the poverty cycle. The slums are affected by frequent outbreaks of cholera, typhoid and malaria and are often ravaged by water shortages and wild fires.
Dedicated with tears to the hungry people who end their earthly sojourn with parched tongues and empty stomachs

More Resources

Poverty in India graph

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

writes, how to write

Literary Agency Finds Publishers for
Writers. Sell Your Book Now! Fast
Decisions. Submission Info Below.

Click the Link Below for Specific Submission Instructions
for Your Genre:

Short Stories
 As literary agents, it is our job and pleasure to find publishers for our clients.
We sell to traditional publishers, NOT vanity presses. We are paid on success
only. We do not charge reading fees. We are willing to coach authors to improve
their skills. We're growing rapidly and seeking new talent. This is a tremendous
opportunity for previously unpublished writers. At the Writers' Literary Agency
& Marketing Company,we take pride in finding and developing fresh, new literary
talent. We believe that just because you are an unpublished writer doesn’t mean
that your work should be excluded from the marketplace.

We are very proud of the relationships we have with our clients.  Click here for a
sampling of the positive emails that we receive on a regular basis.

We accept a wide variety of works, including fiction, romance, literary, suspense,
novels, mainstream poetry collections, chick lit, etc. If in doubt, submit your work
and we will let you know.

We have a special division just for non-fiction (how to, self help,
health/nutrition/fitness, spirituality and religion, science, and business).
     Non-Fiction authors please click here.
We also have a screenplay division and we offer programs to act as literary
agents for self-published authors.  Book-To-Film authors click here.

How We Work:
We specialize in previously unpublished authors.  We also work with previously
published authors that have lost their publisher for one reason or another.  

  • First, click on the Submission Instructions link (on the left) and use our form
    to send us an overview of your work.
  • Next, we will confirm that we would like to see your work and ask you to
    email it to us.  We will use email almost exclusively.
  • Finally, we will send you the results of our review..  We are willing to
    work with previously unpublished writers and assist them in developing
    their talent.  Most of our clients take a bit of extra time to polish their
    work and we are willing to wait while they do so.
We do not accept short stories (we will take short story compilations), articles,
text books, television pilots or ideas, individual poems, or film shorts. 

We welcome international clients.  We only accept work written in English.
Please click on our Submission Instructions to query us.
We believe we are very different than other agencies.  We believe that we are
unique in that we are willing to develop an author and their talent.  We like the
metaphor of a business incubator as a description of how we will take time to
bring an author's work to the proper quality level, even if it takes months to
do so.  We take pride in the fact that we answer every email personally
within 2-3 days.  
Also, you may understand how a Literary Agency works, but many authors don't. 
As your Literary Agent, our mission is to assist you in finding a publisher and to
coach you along the way in various options available to you.   Our job is to find you
a publisher that pays you, NOT the other way around. We do not work with self-
publishing companies.  We DO work with self-published authors seeking a broader
audience for their work.
Our mission is to sell for you.  As for compensation, we are paid on success only. 
We DO NOT charge reading fees.  Typically we will receive 10% of what you r
eceive if we sell your work.  We don't edit. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure
we have great work to sell.

We also strive to "give back" to the writing community and we have started a
"business blog" that more fully describes what an agency does.
We will work with you to improve and polish your work.  Once your work is deemed
'presentable', then we'll start shopping it to buyers.  We never promise a sale, but
we can tell you that we have a model that works and we promise a professional
Best regards,
Sherry Fine -  V.P. Acquisitions

Q) How does the process work? 
A) First, please read our submission guidelines and fill out our query form.  After that is received we will request that you email us some portion of your work.
Q) Would you prefer me to email or mail my manuscript? 
A)  If we request your manuscript after you fill out our query form WE MUCH PREFER EMAILED MANUSCRIPTS.
Q)  Is my manuscript safe with you? 
A)  Your materials are safe within our company.  If you are uncomfortable sending your entire manuscript, please only send 3-5 chapters.  If we do not end up working together we will destroy and delete any copies of your work that we have.  
Q) How long does this review take?
A) About 7-10 days. We're faster than most other agencies.  Our mission in the Acquisitions Department is clear and very "cut and dried". We answer 3 questions, 1). Will the subject matter sell? Is it commercially viable? 2) Is the writing good enough, or would it be good enough with some degree of assistance? 3) Did you as the evaluator like the work and would you believe in it if you were selling it? If we get a "3 Yes" designation then you pass.  The next item we look for in our filtering process is your willingness to listen.  We will very quickly wash out a great writer with a bad attitude. After that, we leave it up to the experts to really dig in and get detailed with the structure and format of your work.
Q) Why is there no phone number? I want to talk to someone...
A)  Quite frankly, we are deluged with submissions.  It is our policy to provide a contact number later in the process, assuming we would like to proceed with you.
Q)  Where are you located? 
A) We maintain executive suites in NY where we meet with buyers.  An executive suite is a shared office space that allows us to keep our overhead expenses down.  We have partners in Los Angeles when our work touches Hollywood.  Our administrative department prefers to live in Florida.  Sometimes we think that we live in airport lounges.
Q) Tell me about your company.
A) We're a bit on the new side, but that is the opportunity for each of us.  Most new authors don't get a chance in this closed industry.  We are growing through acquisitions.  We are bigger than a small agency and smaller than a large agency. We believe in hiring good people.  Our company has a very strong background in editing as well.  We have a reputation for representing great quality and solid "depth off the bench".   We market to the larger and medium sized publishers and producers.  We're in this for the long term.  We endeavor to attend the major book trade shows in the US, England, and Germany. We have attended the Book Expo US every year. We don't publicize our deals because of the number of authors that have 'bothered' our clients in the past.  Our marketing strategy is explained on this page
Q) You're not a vanity publisher or a self-publisher are you?
A) No we're NOT A VANITY OR SELF-publisher in any way, shape or form. Our mission is to sell your work to real and qualified buyers who pay YOU..   WE DO NOT SELL OR MARKET TO VANITY OR SELF-PUBLISHERS..
Q) What are you looking for during your evaluation?
A) We mainly look for COMMERCIAL VIABILITY in the work coupled with good solid writing skills.  "Is it something that will sell?" is of paramount importance to us. We believe that great writers are made, not born at least 99% of the time. But if a work doesn't have commercial potential, then we want to let you know as quickly as possible.  Being willing to grow talent, we believe in the old adage, "luck is when opportunity meets preparation and hard work".
Q) What if you find errors or problems with my manuscript?  Should I spend time revising now, or later?   
A) We receive very few 'ready-to-go' manuscripts. We believe we are unique in that we are willing to work with our authors along the way.  Most manuscripts that we receive need some level of polishing before we can submit them to buyers.  Some need very little polishing. Some need a lot.   Over the years, we've learned that it is worth our time and effort to do what it takes to develop new talent.  We've learned that incubating new talent makes good business sense.
Q) My manuscript isn't finished....
A) As long as there is enough finished to determine your skills as a writer we are willing to look at your work.  As mentioned previously, we take a long term view and we are willing to develop talent.
Q: Do you use form letters?A: For certain communications, of course, doesn't every company?  We pride ourselves on using technology to be as efficient as possible.  This allows us to work with authors from anywhere in the world.  By automating certain elements of our communications we can spend more thoughtful time on your questions that are specific to you and your situation.
Q: How do I know you are for real?A: We ask that you judge us based on the professionalism of our interactions together.  However, it may help for you to see a smattering of the unsolicited positive feedback we receive on a regular basis.  (If you are really cynical you may think we made these up.  However I can assure you that we can legally stand behind anything you read in our communications.  These are unedited for authenticity, bad grammar and typos left in.)
I'm sure you get tons of mail, and that you don't have time to read this, but I just wanted to thank you for your professionalism. Wow, I can't believe how efficient you guys are! I've only sent my manuscript to one other agent, and he replied with a very short and grammatically incorrect e-mail that I thought was extremely unprofessional. I also really respect your attitude. In any industry, it's difficult to find people who actually don't put up with the prima-donna attitudes and egos. I like that. Thanks again for looking at my manuscript.
Just a note to say thank you for your amazingly detailed, efficient and rapid service. When I resolved to get an agent this year or bust, I was prepared for the long haul. What I have encountered has been a whirlwind. I am sure that other agents worldwide will soon have to copy your submissions system as the model for a new industry standard, or become extinct. 
Thanks a lot for your generous time and consideration. I am impressed by your efficiency and ability to reply in time, unlike most agents who take around four or even more weeks to get back.  I am looking forward to a long term professional relationship from you.
Thank you for keeping me posted every step of the way thus far.  I am glad your received the two manuscripts you were kind enough to ask from me.  It is such an exciting time.  To have finished the two books and working on the third as well as constantly thinking of marketing plans for the works.  Being a former radio personality, it would be wonderful to use those skills and have interviews conducted and see the book take roots in several areas. You are a true professional and it is appreciated greatly.I too wish to send in a personal comment on your delightfully refreshing acquisitions process.  How different it is to be greeted with wit, intelligence and such a well thought out plan of action!  Even if we go no further, I will send others to your company because I have such respect for businesses on the Internet that strive to give their customers the most efficient use of their time. I truly cannot see how one would not appreciate immensely, what you have put together and your commitment to those you do business with.
Please allow me to say thank you for accepting my work for review. I also want to thank you for your timely e-mails and information regarding publishing protocols. It is because of conscientious professionals in the industry like yourself, that allows perspective Writers' to have their voices and ideas heard.  Once again, thanks in advance for your timely information and professionalism.I received my analysis a couple of days ago, looked it over, and found it very insightful.  I agree with every aspect of the analysis, and I have already begun making the suggested improvements.  As a matter of fact, it suggests that I expand on the vampire mythology aspect.  Coincidentally, during those weeks it was being prepared, I had formed some dramatic ideas to include more mythological creatures to support the story's premise, which is that unlike mythological vampires,  
Jeeminy, I passed cloud nine so fast I hardly noticed it.I am so pleased and grateful to you folks and Louise of the critique administration.  I thank the good Lord for the talent he has given me, but this is far more than I expected.   I do plan to make the changes.  Why not?  I have already started and the difference is remarkable.  Rewriting many scenes, booting out the cliches and tidying up the punctuation as well as adding many more words.  The advice and recommendations are well received.  I will go at it like I'm killing snakes so should be finished in no more than a week.
In conclusion, our business model is not for everyone and we don't accept everyone. We do like new authors and fresh talent. We encourage you to query us.
Our Pledge To You:
  1. We respect what you have accomplished thus far as a writer.
  2. We believe that great authors are made, not born.  We are willing to develop talent.
  3. We pledge straight talk in a confusing and old-school industry.
  4. We can't promise a sale.  We can promise a professional relationship.
p.s. Missed Emails, Spam, Whitelists, and other reasons for lapses in communications.  We are very, very diligent about returning every email that we receive within a couple of days.  The same is true for our vendors and suppliers.  IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE A COMMUNICATION AND YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE, PLEASE, CHECK WITH US AND WE WILL SEE WHAT HAPPENED.  Please don't jump to negative conclusions.  The Internet is not 100% foolproof and we are very sensitive to our clients' expectations and our promises about timely communications.
Regardless of how this comes out, I want to say that this has been the mostpleasant method of attempting to contact an agent or publishing firm that I have experienced to date. Thank you for this process. Jo
I find your emails AMAZING so much trouble you seem to take, even if the questions are standard at some point they had to be thought out and written. So congratulations. I am most interested in the questions and answers, as it seems to me that most of the 'authors' seem to treat their productions like over pampered princesses! I can assure you I am not sitting by my computer waiting for the 'invitation to become a star!' My daughter is an actress so I know all about rejection. look forward within 10 days or so from hearing from you. April
AEG Press Release: Acquisition of The Literary Agency Group (TLAG) and Strategic Publishing & Eloquent Books.

welcome criticizeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii critics are good

one who criticize you a real friend of yours . one who praise you is also a good friend 

but not like critics.critics give time to implement something. 

welcome criticize

if you are criticizing someone supposed then he or she is supposed to be a listener if 

he or she criticize back means he loose e a trainer or motivator. friend can be found 

easily but difficult to find a critics

मुझे कभी कभी लगता है की लोग एक दुसरे की बुराई क्यूँ करते हं क्या उनको कोई फायदा होता ह 

सच कहूँ तो बुराई करने बाले लोग आपके वहुत करीबी होते हं. जो अपने समय को दांव पर लगा कर आपके बारे सोचते हैं. और आपकी गलतियाँ दूंध कर निकलते हं. और आपको सोचने पर मजबूर करते .और आपको वहुत ग्रेट पर्सन बना देते hn

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

worst government in india, miss managment, corrupt minister.

i don't know what is going to ahppen tomorrow in kashmir. recently ,i have rejected my ticket to kashmir. what i saw in newspaper or some of the channel which were showing reality of your government is rally praiseworthy. you are best prime minister. when i saw last month the new of dantewara, abduction of bihar policemen, attack on chandrababu naidu, mamta's rally. rahul gandhi's orrisa rally and many more things which you have achieved can never be forgotten

the life of kashmiries have become worst. who is responsible for their murders or attacks, i think no one. a mother was crying on the road when she lost her baby . i was crying in front  of television when they were showing this news .i think many Indians were were watching this news a very few raised their voice agaist this thing. 100 of people have beem killed so far.

can any goverment will give proper answer. no one can stop his smile because his father is minister and sonia can not go against of them because they have given some seats to caongress ..............................................shame ..........shame... you are enjoying and people are dying there

Verb Tenses

Verb Tenses

Verb is one of the most important parts of a sentence. It conveys the action part of a sentence – come, go, sit, stand, dance, write, read, run, climb etc. Tense is the form with which the verb must be presented in a sentence.
I go home.
I’m going home.
I have gone home.
I have been going home.
I went home.
I was going home.
I had gone home.
I had been going home.
I will go home.
I will be going.
I will have gone home.
I will have been going home.
Notice here that the word “go” is being used in 12 different forms in order to convey 12 different meanings. All of these 12 forms emerge from the three basic tenses of the verb “go”:
Go (present tense), went (past tense), and gone (past participle) or,
Go (simple tense), went (past tense), and will go (future tense)
Let’s take another set of examples and identify the 12 verb tenses accordingly:
She breaks her hand –Simple Present Tense
She is breaking her hand — Present Continuous Tense (suggests an ongoing action in the present tense)
She has broken her hand — Present Perfect Tense (suggests a completed action in the present tense)
She has been breaking her hand — Present Perfect Continuous (suggest an ongoing action to be completed in the present tense)
She broke her hand — Simple Past Tense
She was breaking her hand — Past Continuous Tense (suggests an ongoing action in the past tense)
She had broken her hand — Past Perfect Tense (suggests a completed action in the past tense)
She had been breaking her hand — Past Perfect Continuous Tense (suggests an ongoing action to be completed in the past tense)
She will break her hand — Simple Future Tense
She will be breaking her hand — Future Continuous Tense ((suggests an ongoing action in the future tense)
She will have broken her hand — Future Perfect Tense ((suggests a completed action in the future tense)
She will have been breaking her hand — Future Perfect Continuous Tense (suggests an ongoing action to be completed in the future tense).
Unless it is a grammar school, not many English speaking people bother about identification of tenses. Their usage comes naturally with the fluency of the language.

Monday, September 13, 2010

what was the fault of them, who is responsible for their death, you,me,god,government or politics

hey god save my coutry

worst politics in india ever we realised

what would you think if someone come at your home and you celebrate your annual festival with your friends and relatives. this is your yearly festi. so surely you will dance and share your happiest moment swith others.but if someone shoot you or your relative. anybody lock you in the room not celebrate ed or ganesh chaturthi then can you answer.

no this is our indian government. kashmir has brought blood rivers that was known and is known for its white snow fall but where is this bllod coming from.

hey ram, hey allah, hey isssssssu protect my nation

hurrey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy by old friends

Saturday, September 11, 2010

u talk

please pls spls anes h

these are the toppers of a batch they have proved English is easy to learn and to speak

this child will enjoy with this laddu because it is sweet

behave well with ur boss

How to Behave With a Boss

The most productive working relationships are non-adversarial and based upon good communication. Although dealing with your boss may be challenging, there are strategies that will greatly enhance your efforts to meet your workplace goals.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


  1. 1
    Understand the mission, structure and function of the organization. It is easier to garner support for an idea if it aligns with your boss' priorities, particularly if it makes him look good.
  2. 2
    Know your role in the organization and how your work will be evaluated. This will tell you exactly what management expects of you. However, operate beyond the job description by taking extra duties and working extra hours. Take advantage of company-sponsored trainings, and stay abreast of current industry happenings. Factual documentation of your excellence beyond company standards will make the case for a promotion or some other reward.
  3. 3
    Learn the best ways to approach your boss with different issues. When you are requesting vacation time, one supervisor may prefer formal email correspondence whereas another may prefer a quick face-to-face conversation. Ask and observe your co-workers to identify a style that works for you.
  4. 4
    Be professional. Inappropriate language and dress, tardiness, incompetence, rudeness and other negative behaviors can lead to a loss of respect in the office. Furthermore, refrain from divulging elements of your personal life within the office. Take ownership of your mistakes and responsibility for any corrective actions.
  5. 5
    Know when to talk and when to listen. This skill is critical to resolving conflict through compromise. Your boss and co-workers will appreciate your effort to be a team player, identify "win-win" situations and maintain a positive working environment.

Read more: How to Behave With a Boss |

ganapati your laddus are so funny

Friday, September 10, 2010

will she come back???????????????

beauty is to see not to touch


what a dance

this kind child will speak

wish haapy happy

when he spaeks fluently

when you listen her song then u will remind shreya goshal

who will not enjoy her dance

can you belive what a so-relation

child can make you smile

past enjoys days can no be forgooteen

can you imagine how people enjoy when they meet their near one. but we can not enjoy solemnly . yes ,one thing i surely accept when people think that they are going to have a better one then we can say it would we wrong

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

my experience

I have been in the field of teaching English when I was in 17 year old. It has been become both a great pleasure and a learning experience. Having taught thousands and thousands students in my career so far, I have achieved great insight      into not only what to teach but also what not to teach. . All courses are result oriented and career-maker as well .our some courses are so interesting that cannot be found anywhere. The entire American family will not leave any stone unturned in providing the best inputs to its students, however you should always keep in mind to remain focused and motivated. Your self-motivation will be the key to success for you.
The past years at American institute, kota has been a great learning experience for all of us. We have evolved from a typical class to a professional institute and taken on to conducting trainings for corporate. Moreover, it has been the trust of our customers that has allowed us to contribute in their lives, their participation has helped us in developing them and most important, their ongoing feedback has helped us
Running an institute, which makes people speak English, is a challenging task
 In addition, making it into a large business enterprise, even more so.
The value of empowering someone speak English is something that cannot be measured in terms of money. For many learners who enter the portals of American speaking fluent English has changed their very lives. Good job, acceptance in high society, window to greater knowledge and above all, an overwhelming confidence in themselves—   this has what    AMERICAN        stood for them.
I am proud that American has made thousands and thousands people speak English and I am happy that more than lakhs people lives have changed for the better.
Our courses are so attractive that can motivate you for you future and our faculties who are trained by well trained and educated faculties are very fluent and expert in English.
Our lifelong membership is a boon for our students who provides to rejoining facility daily conversation is good for making sound vocabulary.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

basic English conversations

Basic English conversation: Free Podcasts Online

Basic English conversation is a must for the professional world. If you have already begun learning how to read and write English, or are trying to brush up on your English speaking abilities, then you need to come on over to ELT Podcast to learn basic English in a conversation tone.

In the professional world, small talk can sometimes get you a long way. It fosters a good feeling between you and those whom you work with, or those whom you converse with. And when meeting new people on the street, it is also important to learn how to speak clearly and have a great conversation in English.

This way you can make new business friends, or possibly grow your network of business associates. You will sound more trustworthy if you learn how to speak English well in a conversational tone.

Where To Find Quality Podcast English Conversations

With ELT Podcast you can learn a basic English conversation relatively easy. Just listen in as Bill and Robert meet as complete stranger’s and carry on each new conversation until they have become friends.

You too can learn how to meet and greet people, strangers, co-workers, acquaintances, and other business professionals and sound poised and professional just by following along with a few simple conversations such as these:

The Greeting

Learn the basic formal greetings between two strangers. This will help you effectively meet people when out enjoying your life by helping you dictate a great greeting when you run into somebody you don’t know.

Even if you know all the words, hearing how they are said, and the tones that go with them all the way through a basic greeting can help you sound more professional.

The Continuing Conversation

If you run into somebody you have already met, when a great way to strike up a great sounding conversation. Learn to copy their tones and wording while sounding uniquely you.

Now you won’t be left in the dust the next time you run into an English speaking acquaintance on the street or at a local coffee shop. Or continue your introductions from above, to simply help carry the conversation for longer.

Running into Acquaintances Or Others Again

Meet up with and acquaintance at a sports bar or café? Ever wonder how to bring the subject up the right way while sounding professional? By listening to Bill and Robert, you can hear and practice this great informal conversation so that soon, your English speaking associate will become a friend.

Do you have great weekend plans? Or are you wondering how to bring up the topic the next time you run into somebody you know who speaks English? Want to sound professional to your new co-workers with a great English accent on your words?

Continue your conversation skills here as you follow along with Bill and Robert and then practice on your own. You can listen to them as they converse about someone whom was spoken to on a subway train. Or listen in on weekend plans, vacations, and other great conversation starters.